Picking a Pet
Last weekend whilst carrying out my monthly stint of baby sitting duties, my youngest niece asked me if I could buy her a pet. The question caught me slightly off-guard and I had to fend of the nagging until we got home. After all, I would need to check with my sister and brother-in-law first.
But after being given the green light, I am now left with the task of buying her a furry creature – something which will keep her amused and not just be a passing novelty. When I was a lad, we always had fish and hamsters (I think there was even a guinea pig at one point) but I’m not sure these are what she wants.
Next week I’m taking her back to the pet store to have a look at the options and see what she fancies as her first pet. So, as way of inspiration, we’re asking you to send in the name of your first pet and a couple of sentences about them. Hopefully this will point us in the right direction…