The aristocracy in England
The aristocracy in England used a different dialect than the commoners, not only in the courts and in war, but also to describe the more refined aspects of their lifestyles,
such as their cuisine. Anglo Norman, a dialect of French originating in Normandy and used among the nobility, supplied the English language with many new words
that we still use. The consequence of this hierarchical imposition on the language is that, today, in English there are often several words to describe the same thing. The
words on the left of this chart come from the time of the aristocracy. Those on the right, as you can see, we maintain today.
‘New’ Anglo-Norman or French Old ‘Saxon’ Word(s)
Word origin word
poultry pouletrie hen, chicken – tu: drób
escargot escargot snail – ślimak
pork porc pig, swine – tu: wieprzowina
beef boef (or beof, from Old French) cow – tu: wołowina
veal vel (or veel, from Old French) calf – tu: cielęcina
inquire enquire ask, beseech – dopytywać, wypytywać, pytać
pensive pensive thoughtful, mindful – zamyślony, przemyślany (np. decyzja)
astound astound amaze, stun – zadziwiać, zaskakiwać
odour odeur stench – smród
blond blonde fair-haired – jasnowłosy, o włosach koloru blond
autumn autumne fall – tu: jesień
response répondre answer – odpowiedź
liberty liberté freedom – wolność
monarchy monarchie kingship – monarchia
belligerent belligérant warmongering – podżegający do wojny
amicable amicale friendly – przyjazny, przyjacielski
forest forêt woodland – las